Left of Center
Monday, August 01, 2005
This is a quick vent and rant about the current BushCo shituation . While I understand that all Presidents use the recess appointment to get people they want in under the "radar" so to speak, I feel there needs to be some kind of limit as to the level of position that is permitted to be appointed without the approval (as in advise and conset function of the Senate) of the people through their respresentatives. I don't love that some things are railroaded through by a majority vote, but at least it got a vote.

Okay, so what has set me off this morning? The recess appointment of Bolton by Bush. Here is a man who has been delayed in the Senate for over 4 months, while the White House refused to release documents the committees felt were relevant to their decision. It has always amazed me that people don't realize that if you refuse to be up front about a person, then there is more than likely something to hide - and if there is something to hide then it follows that person may not be the best candidate for a job - particularly one as important as UN Ambassador.

I do not deny that we need someone strong in that position. I disgaree that we need someone who wields only a club and not honey at the same time. When it comes to carrot and stick diplomacy this man has a record of only carrying a stick - much like the man who appointed him. His temper is well known; is brow-beating of subordinates is documented; his less than ethical comments and recommendations made to please his masters has been at the very least implied (missing documentation might have substantiated those accusations); and more that is too numerous to post here.

I heard that a group of far right Christians are trying to get others to move with them to South Carolina so they can secede and form a Christian country - we having fun yet??? Maybe if they do we can send Bush to be President, and Bolton to be their UN Ambassador, allowing us to move back into the 21st century with progressive modern elected officials!
Ya wanna bash the Right Wing? Wanna make fun of the Neo-Cons? How 'bout checking on the latest "mouth-a-graphical error" from our Commander in Chief? Maybe talk about the status of those Weapons of Mass Distraction? Well this is the place to do it! All we ask is that you keep the language clean. Enjoy!

July 2005 / August 2005 / October 2005 /

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